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Image by Simone Hutsch

Media Features

FedSmith - Wear Your Financial A.R.M.O.R.

These five core principles will help you achieve your financial goals. 

Read the full article here.

FedWeek - Free Money…and Time: Why Your Employer Match is Worth More Than You Think.

A two percent match might not sound like much but it can wind up building to hundreds of thousands of dollars over time. Read the full article here.

Nasdaq - 5 Ways Blue-Collar Workers Can Become Rich in 2024.

If you’re a blue-collar worker, there’s no better time to build your wealth than in 2024. Some reports say it’s a year of stronger hiring, more plentiful job opportunities and faster pay growth for you compared to some of your white-collar counterparts. All to say: With the right strategies in hand, you’re in a good position to become rich. Read the full article here.

U.S. News & World Report - If You Want to Retire in 2025, Here's What You Need to Prep Now.

Here's how to strategize withdrawals, optimize tax advantages and beat inflation ahead of a 2025 retirement. Read the full article here.

Yahoo! Finance - 9 Money Moves You Need To Make To Save 10%-15% of Your Salary for Retirement.

The general recommendation for retirement savings is to put aside 10% to 15% of your pretax income toward retirement each year to be comfortable at this stage of life. Yet, according to a 2024 GOBankingRates survey, only 11% of respondents put away even 10%, and even fewer people put away more. Read the full article here.

U.S. News & World Report - How to Start Investing and Saving for Retirement With Little Money.

Investing for the long haul with little cash on hand is doable, but you need a plan.

Read the full article here.

GOBankingRates - Suze Orman: Why You Should Start Saving for Retirement Now.

Suze Orman, a financial advisor and author, believes in the importance of making saving for retirement as early as possible. As she has pointed out in a 2022 article, many people wait too long to start retirement planning, or they focus on other things that set them back — like their children’s college education. As admirable as these other goals might be, here’s why Orman said you should instead focus on saving for retirement as soon as possible. We also asked other financial experts whether they agree.

Read the full article here.

CBS News - Should you use a HELOC for home renovations this spring? What experts say.

To help you decide if it's the right move for you, we asked experts about whether it makes sense to use a HELOC for spring home renovations. Here's what you should know. Read the full article here.

CNN - Where to Invest $5,000.

There’s something really special about the words ‘tax-free.’ A new investor would be missing out if they didn’t take advantage of one of the greatest gifts the government provides, a Roth IRA,” said Tyler Weerden, a financial planner and owner of Layered Financial in Arlington, Virginia. Read the full article here.

GovExec - Retiree Annuity Supplement: The icing on your retirement cake.

This extra money can provide an income bridge until federal retirees are eligible to start Social Security. Read the full article here.

Consumer Affairs - What are Taxes?

Taxes are the mandatory payments corporations and individuals pay to the government. The government uses these tax revenues to finance projects, such as building infrastructure, schools, Medicare and Social Security programs.

Taxes are a part of every resident's life, but many people don’t know why they have to pay them. This guide will break down what taxes are, how they work and what the common taxes are to ensure you walk into the taxing season informed.

Read the full article here.

FedWeek - Can Feds Pay a 0% Tax on Investment Gains?

Maybe you’re a new federal employee, or perhaps you’re a seasoned vet who will soon be shifting to a single income household. Maybe you’re taking LWOP or retiring at Minimum Retirement Age (MRA) + 10-years of service with a reduced pension and no FERS supplement. Regardless of the reason, a low tax bracket is a terrible thing to waste. So, how do you take advantage of it? By analyzing your capital gains.

Read the full article here.

Yahoo! Finance - Here Are 7 Money Moves To Make If Your Income Rises Significantly.

Having a serious boost to your income is cause for celebration — a rising income means greater stability and more opportunities to do the things you love. Read the full article here.

FedWeek - 4 Key Reasons Why TSP Lifecycle Funds May Miss the Target.

Lifecycle Funds are low-cost, diversified, and simple. There’s no debating that one of the primary risks to investors is their behavior. Those implementing a “set it and forget it” approach tend to avoid market timing, stock picking, and emotional financial behavior. Also, with a single L Fund, you don’t have to deal with transfers to or from multiple funds when you decide to rebalance. Read the full article here.

Nasdaq - Why 2024 Is the Year To Invest In Savings Bonds.

With economic uncertainty and market volatility, 2024 is shaping up to be an ideal year to consider savings bonds. These bonds offer the security of government backing, potential for steady returns and even tax advantages that make them an appealing option for many investors. Read the full article here.

Yahoo! Finance - Here’s How Much Cash Retirees Should Have on Hand, According To Experts.

By the time you’ve retired, you’ll hopefully have a portfolio of investments to help financially sustain you through retirement. But in addition to these investments, it’s important to have some cash on hand to cover living costs, emergency expenses, and other necessities. Read the full article here.

GovExec - Why Federal Workers Should Consider an HSA.

There is something exciting about having a health insurance plan that can reduce your taxes while also providing tax-free investment growth. Read the full article here.

FedWeek - IRS Announces 2025 Retirement Account Contribution Limits.

On November 1, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service released the 2025 retirement plan contribution limits and other key numbers for investment accounts. While contribution limits for employer sponsored plans like the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) are increasing in 2025, IRA contributions will remain the same as 2024. Read the full article here.

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